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Style Your Websites Tooltips With Prototip

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 01:47 PM PST

Now it's very easy to creat complex tooltips. Here is Prototip a Javascript library that helps you easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype 1.6 Javascript framework. You can add titles or offset for the tooltips, fix tooltips position, hooking and also support HTML. You can have now full advantage in new and more sophisticated way.

By using Prototype 1.6 Javascripts framework you will be able to do:
Open, close and toggle tooltips using any mouse event;
Keeping your tooltips open adds a new dimension to the library;
Close buttons, delay and the option to add your own close links inside your tooltip text;
An improved CSS model makes it even easier to style tooltips.

Download: http://www.ajaxlady.com/tooltip/458-style-your-websites-tooltips-with-prototip.html/attachment/prototip110_pre1
Source: http://www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/prototip/

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Yet Another Ajax CMS System – Tinysite XML

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 01:18 PM PST

TinySite.XML is an ajax cms system provides an easy to store, retrieve and organize your information. TinySiteXML AJAX CSM system has many features such as:
Page editor
Drag and drop layout editor
Page themes, template system
Contact form

Rss and news editor

Description from developer

TinySite.XML has it all – page editor, drag-and-drop layout editor, themes, contact form, gallery, events / tourdates module, powerful form-element replacement components that add up to the almost flash-like experience, RSS and news editor and a couple of other cool add-ons that make the stay on the website pleasant.

How to use
Anyone who has basic or intermediate knowledge of HTML/CSS will be able to learn using it at no time. The better developer you are, the more of TinySite.XML you will be able to get, as it provides powerful flexibility and is capable of further site-specific development.

Demo: http://tinysitecms.com/
Download: http://www.ajaxlady.com/downloads/TinySiteXml.zip
Source: http://tinysitecms.com/

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Free dhtmlx Accordion, Easy to use JavaScript Accordion with Ajax Support

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 12:14 PM PST

dhtmlx Accordion allows you to organize your content in a space-saving way. This JavaScript DHTML accordion control displays multiple panels within a container. Just one of these panels is expanded at a time, while others are collapsed. If you want to see other panel’s content, just click on its header and chosen panel will open smoothly. This quite popular visual solution is built entirely in JavaScript and works correctly in all major web browsers (FF, IE, Opera, Safari).

The content displayed in panels can include any object, URL, or other dhtmlx component, such as tree, grid, folders, etc. dhtmlxAccordion provides multiple visual skins so it can be easily customized to any design. The component is light-weight and easy to use. It provides efficient JavaScript solution for displaying diverse content within expandable panes.

dhtmlxAccordion provides easy ways of integration with other components of dhtmlx products line – it can be easily included in application built on dhtmlxLayout and also other dhtmlx components can be included into accordion panels with just a single script command. Any item in dhtmlxAccordion can be undocked – extracted from the single layout in order to be displayed separately (in a window of dhtmlxWindows system).


• Cross-browser
• Space-saving way of content organization
• Auto-resizing capabilities
• Easy integration with other dhtmlx components
• Different skins available
• Undockable items

Free License allows using Standard Edition of dhtmlxAccordion for free

Demo: http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxAccordion/index.shtml
Download: http://www.dhtmlx.com/docs/download/dhtmlxAccordion.zip
Source: http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxAccordion/index.shtml

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