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Password Fields With strength Meter

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 03:30 PM PST

This script is built with no framework. It works based on a point value that as you use different variations of letters, numbers and symbols your password will be stronger. This script is completely free to use on any project you wish

These forms do not do anything and have very little validation. They solely demonstrate how you can use Ext Forms to build and layout forms on the fly.

The js is not minified so it is readable. See passwordmeter.js and Ext.ux.PasswordMeter.js.

Demo: http://testcases.pagebakers.com/PasswordMeter/
Download: http://testcases.pagebakers.com/PasswordMeter/passwordmeter.js
Source: http://testcases.pagebakers.com/PasswordMeter/

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tEditable : In place Editing for Tables

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 03:14 PM PST

A jQuery plugin (based heavily on jEditable) that allows cells in a table to be edited and posted to a server ajaxically.

How is it used?

  $('table').tEditable('http://someurl.com, { indicator : 'Saving...', }); 

By default tEditable uses textareas, where dimensions can be set using the rows and cols parameters.

How does in place editing work?

Normal flow is this. User clicks text on web page. Block of text becomes a form. User edits contents and presses submit button. New text is sent to webserver and saved. Form becomes normal text again.

Demo: http://joshhundley.com/teditable/index.html
Download: http://joshhundley.com/teditable/jquery.teditable.js
Source: http://joshhundley.com/teditable-in-place-editing-for-tables/

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