Student Loan

Student Loan

How to Get Cheap College Textbooks

Posted: 19 Jan 2010 10:12 AM PST

Being a college student can be difficult position for financial perspective because we must provide enough funds to pay tuition fee, book, room and other expenses. Therefore, student may seek for financial aid from such institution for providing loans. In my opinion, we can avoid to get extra cost for education by finding extremely cheap college textbook. So how can we do to get reasonably cheap price in order to save money?

Yes, there are various ways to get cheap college textbooks for both online and offline searching. For online textbook, it is recommended to visit Amazon and eBay that sell used and new books for reasonable price. These online stores also provide listed price comparison and detailed condition of the books.

For offline, just pay attention for announcement on campus bulletin boards at student lounge and other place in college. Because students are used to post selling used textbook for cheap price there. The next step you can do is to rent books from whoever has taken the class. Of course, communication is important in this situation. So just ask around!


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