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Best Buy Scholarship 2011

Posted: 29 Dec 2010 08:56 AM PST

If you are seeking for scholarship for high school seniors, Best Buy Scholarship 2011 can be great choice to apply. Yes, this scholarship program is intended for dedicated and hard-working students in grades 9-12 from public, private, alternative and home school backgrounds who take active roles in their communities and living in the United States and Puerto Rico.

It is estimated that there are total up to 1,200 students will each receive a $1,000 Best Buy Scholarship 2011. So if you're a 9-12 grade student who plans to attend post-secondary education, have solid grades and are involved in community service or work experience, it is advised to get application.

So when is deadline of Best Buy Scholarship 2011's application? No paper applications will be accepted. It will be handled online only! The online application period runs from Dec. 27, 2010 to February 16, 2011 (by 9:00 a.m. EST). No late applications will be accepted.

Winners will be announced in May 2011 on Be sure to check back on at that time to get final announcement about the winners. Please keep in your mind that you should not wait until the last couple days to apply as the site experiences heavy traffic at the close of the program

If you are ready to apply for Best Buy Scholarship 2011 in order to get scholarship for high school senior, you can visit for online application and get more information about Best Buy Scholarship 2011, including guidelines, requirements and eligibility


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