Study Material For Bank PO and Clerical Exams

Study Material For Bank PO and Clerical Exams

Jharkhand Gramin Bank (JGB) Recruitment 2011-2012 Assistants and Officers

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 11:48 PM PST

Recruitment of Assistants and Officers in Jharkahnd Gramin Bank (JGB) under Recruitment Project 2011-2012

Jharkhand Gramin Bank (JGB) Sponsored by the Bank of India has invited Online Applications for the selection of personnel in Assistants as well as Officer level cadres.Before applying for the job candidates must check the important dates given below:

Starting Date of Online Application: 08.12.2011

Last Date of Submitting Online Application: 07.01.2012

Here are some of the important details for the Jharkhand Gramin Bank (JGB) Recruitment 2011-2012

Job Title: Applications are invited for the following posts.

Officers (Scale-I): JMG Scale-I Pay Scale: Rs.14500- Rs.25700,Age Limit: Min:18 years and Max:28 years,Educational Qualification: A graduate degree from any recognized university of India,Proficiency in Local Language and Computer Education.

Office Assistants: Pay Scale: Rs.Rs.7200- Rs.19,300,Age Limit: Min: Between 18 to 28 years ,Educational Qualification: A graduate degree from any recognized university of India,Proficiency in Local Language and Computer Education.Candidates applying for this post must be a state subject of Jharkhand.

Application Fee: An application fee of Rs 500 (For Non-Reserved) candidates and Rs 100/- (For reserved) candidates will have to be deposited in any branch of Bank of India using a Challan form that can be downloaded from Bank`s Website.The Challan copy must be preserved for future reference

Procedure for Applying: After depositing the application fee,candidates can apply online at the Official website ( that candidates will have to fill the Online Application form by following the on screen instructions.After submitting the application form,a system generated application form will be generated that must be preserved for future reference.

For complete details candidates can check the advertisement at the link given below:

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Delhi TGT Teacher Recruitment 2011

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Recruitment of Contractual Teachers by Department of Education,Delhi under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)

The Directorate of Education,GNCT Delhi has invited applications for the Recruitment of Teachers under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Delhi .The Recruitment of teachers will be conducted district wise.Before Applying Online candidates are advised to go through the complete advertisement given at the end of this post in (*.pdf) format.

Important Details for the Recruitment of Teachers in SSA Delhi:

Job Title: For which applications are invited

Teachers: The Recruitment of teachers under SSA will be purely contractual.Pay Scale: Rs 15000/-,Age Limit: For male candidates 30 years,For Female Candidates 40 years(Relation in Age as per Rules of Government of India).Vacancies: 3761 posts

Educational Qualifications: Graduate candidates with any of the specific subject who have completed B.Ed degree can apply.For complete details of recruitment rules candidates can check the details at this website

Selection Procedure: The Selection Procedure for engagement of teachers in SSA Delhi will be done by screening the received applications on the basis of merit in academic performance of candidates at various level of his/her educations (i.e 10th,12th,Graduation and B. Ed.).Selected teachers will have o be serve in any of the school in the district they have applied.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates who wish to apply for teachers vacancy in SSA Delhi can apply online on the website ( before the last date i.e by 16.12.2011

Result of Teachers Recruitment in SSA Delhi: The Last date for submitting the online applications is 16th December 2011 and the result will be declared online at the website on 19th December 2011

For complete details,candidates are advised to read the detailed advertisement  at the official website or at the link given below:


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