[Internship Mela] InfoYogis Hiring Writers and Executives : Freshers : Bangalore

Internship Mela has posted a new item, 'InfoYogis Hiring Writers and Executives
: Freshers : Bangalore'


Everyone loves their student life and Everyone loves their professional life(may
be not as much as the earlier one.. ;)...) But what about the life between
that..? Do we love that life and I would like to call that life as Fresher
Life.. :D ha ha.. sounds funny isn't it.? I have seen many of my friends who
haven't enjoyed that part of life and know how difficult it is. But, then some
day they all get happy..! You know why I say this, It's just to let you all
freshers know that there are plenty of jobs out there, but might just take that
extra time of yours. Nothing more than that.. For many this extra time proves to
be very difficult, And we are here to help you reduce that extra time from your
Fresher Life...

To start with, I would like to just remind you of the already existing Fresher
Job Opportunities, just in case if you have missed those earlier.. I strongly
suggest you not to miss the first two fresher jobs.

Fresher Job Opportunities at Qualcomm

Fresher Job Opportunities at Microsoft

Fresher Job Opportunities with MouthShut

Today, I have a new kind of offering to you all guys. It's little hatke from
ourlittle commonIT section. Thus we have come up with the fresher job
opportunities for Executives and Writers and with a little known company
probably which we all might have never heard of. But, what is it to do with us..
We just want that extra fresher job opening, which might be of very great help
to you all out there.

Though I would clearly mention therequirementas it's listed on the company site,
I would like to just give an overview in short sentence..They are basically
looking for those who are really good with communication, good basic computer
knowledge and Exceptional Writing skills. If you have those and are looking for
the job as a fresher in Bangalore. Then it's for you. But, if you are looking
for a technical job, then I strongly suggest you all to back-out from this post
and help it reach it's audiences.I personally suggest this position to those who
have completed Graduation anddesperatelylooking for job.


Position : Executives


Maintain communication with clients

Provide support services online

Prepare documents, short reports for clients

Perform day-to-day traffic generating activities for clients' websites

Answer, filter and forward clients' emails

Establish communication with client's customers, partners, associates

Research using Internet (search engines, directories, reference websites etc)

Post to Forums, Discussion boards, blogs specified by clients

Uploading/downloading files, audio, mp3, documents etc.

Academic: Degree, CBSE/ICSE education with English Medium preferred


Position : Writers


Write new articles, press-releases etc. based on niche topics (for websites)

Re-write given content so that they retain the same meaning, using different

Proof-read for context, grammar and spelling errors.

Work independently as well as in a team environment.


Excellent English communication skills; preferably from English Medium or
convent background; having exposure in dealing with International clients.

MUST have exceptional vocabulary, spelling and English grammar skills.

MUST have hands-on experience in using the Internet for research.

Willing to work full-time, Mon-Sat, 9am to 6pm.

Candidates having TOEFL/SAT scores are preferred.


Hurrey..!!!, this time we have two fresherrequirementsin one single CampusCub
post. That's really good for you. Hoping that, you all would be beneficial with
the above fresherrequirement. I would like to make you all a humble request to
express your love towards CampusCub through our Facebook Page. That will help us
and you to server more and morefresherswho arelookingfor a helping hand like

How to Apply
Step 1 : Go to InfoYogis Carrers Page
Step 2 : Click on Executive if it suites you
Step 3 : Click on Writers if you feel so
Step 4 : Email your resume to `careers@infoyogis.com`

Suggestions from CampusCub
Many of our users like us because they really like the way we try to help them,
of which this "Suggestions from CmapusCub" is one of the best they like of
CampusCub. As we here try to give very valuable suggestions to all our users
with respect to the current fresher jobopportunity. I am not saying that this
will fix all the things, but we are sure that they will add to the main things.
- Go head only if you like this profiles. If not, don't even give a second
- Are you looking for a desperate job after yourgraduation, then try this out
- Work on your communication very well
- Nurture your basic Computer Skills with Windows
- Highlight if you have done well in SAT/IELTS

Related Fresher Job Opportunities you might have missed
Internship Opportunities with Span
Internship Opportunities with Google
Technical Writer jobopportunitieswith StartUp Farms


With Love,
Team CampusCub

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Best regards,


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