After last nights Empower Hour call (if you missed it, please log into your back office and listen to the audio of the week), I realize that there is so much opportunity awaiting you, that you may be letting it pass you by!
>>And if you're not a member yet, just get in here, THEN you can follow my instructions in this message!<<
I worked in the MLM Industry about 10 years ago, and attempting to help dozens of people succeed, I grew frustrated because no matter what I tried, what I did, very very few people were able to succeed...
It wasn't their work ethic...
It wasn't their drive...
It wasn't their determination....
It was simply the program...
and their belief of what was possible.
Now that we're in Empower Network, and you've made a decision to partner up and join us, I want you to finish the race!
I don't want you to just "hope to succeed", I want you to believe and "do whatever it takes to succeed"!!
Listen, I want you to succeed, I can do every training, one on one call, and webinar possible.
I can call and attempt to motivate, inspire and root for you every day...
(And the truth is that I will NOT be doing any of these things...why? Because you are a leader and if you are with us at Empower Network, we've already shown you what to do. No hand-holding of future millionaires here! :)
But if YOU DON'T MAKE THE DECISION to take advantage of this opportunity...
I can't help you!
I can recall the endless conversations with so many people who were scared straight about spending $25 to join EN.
Yeah, they'll go to McDonalds and spend $25 without hesitation...
They'd blow $25 on a few drinks at a bar..
They'd go to a movie and spend $25 at the concession stand..
And they'd go and blow $25 or way more on an article of clothing without thought......
But... to invest the $25 in this business, in your future, scared them straight.
The truth is, it wasn't that they worried about the $25... instead, it was the reality that they didn't TRUST THEMSELVES enough to go forward and demand success in their life!
But here's the harsh reality, Success isn't about making tons of money.
It isn't about what you drive, it isn't about the square footage of your house or the designer labels that you proudly wear to gain attention.....
Success is about the "Mindset".....
What if I told you hat Money is easy to make?
yeah, you heard me correctly.. Making money is simply the easiest thing I've discovered to make...
The difference is, the belief that you can attract money to you!
The belief that you deserve it, and the belief that you will command it in your life!
However, if you won't release yourself to step outside of your comfort zone... if you won't "show up"... If you won't surround yourself and utilize the tools that has been given to you in this business, that you've already invested in...
Then all I can do is continue to press forward with my vision of being a $100,000 Per month earner.. and take only those with me who are serious about their success....
If you want me to take you seriously, then make sure you start making money now
And I'll meet you at the level where you'll meet me....
Let's get serious about our lives, our future, our income, our legacy, our family support....
Let's Succeed Together!
Be Bold, Stop Waiting & Take Action!
To your success,
Matthias Sieber
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