A funny thing just happened...
I was starting to compose this Email in German... Doh!
Well... It's late in Los Angeles right now (it's past 1 am), but the real reason is that
for once in a while I was working my butt off today... yesterday... whatever...
So I was translating this huge technical manual from English to German...
And of course... when you keep repeating things over and over again...
they will stick...
It's called learning...
The same thing is true for making money out of thin air.
I won't tell you buy all the products and then you're gonna be rich...
Buying all the products is important to get your mind straight and
channel all your energy into realizing your dreams and make it happen!
They won't happen over night magically by itself if you've never followed the training
and do actually what you're being taught...
You're here for a reason... And the reason is...
what is the reason?
What is your reason. The reason is "Make Money"... Yes?
But why is it the reason and is it the real reason?
Don't we just want to make our dreams come true?
If that's the case... why do we hesitate and don't take action?
Why is it so easy to numb our minds with TV and Movies all the time?
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being entertained once in a while...
But you gotta live your dream in order to make your dream more real...
and in order to be able to live your dream you have to not only work for it....
but be aware of it!
What is your DREAM?
Success comes with a vision. Every successful person had him- or herself envisioned in the exact same
spot where success became real long before it was real and long before they had success...
When you are at a point when everything goes wrong and you have doubts, you're in debt, you might
suffer from alcoholism, depression, loneliness... I won't tell you to just believe in yourself...
that's easy...
no it's not!
And although it's true that believing in yourself is the most important step to your success
and to better your life and the life of people you care about... it's not gonna work from your lowest point...
You know what works? Working your butt off...
When you're in Network Marketing or any kind of business and you just don't have the ressources
to leverage your work efficiently in order for you to get better results... there's an option...
Work your ass off!
When we're specifically talking Empower Network here, then don't be discouraged because you
absolutely CAN NOT afford the best tools and huge paid advertisement campaigns... do what I do...
do what Chris Record did and explained in Thursday's $15k Webinar.
He didn't do any paid advertisement that led him to $15k a month. He started in June and averaged
a monthly income of $15k and he shows you exactly how he did it. Just like I show you and others like
Justin Verrengia shows you...
Agreed Lawrence Tam - our asian part-time Millionaire - does now a lot of paid advertisement...
But he has the money for it and he's just leveraging his success...
David Wood, the Co-founder of Empower Network revealed that he doesn't do any form of paid marketing
as an affiliate at all...
But you know what they all do?
They make use of this great $25 product... The Empower Network BLOGGING plattform.
You blog and you blog more... It's a strategy which doesn't claim any short-term success stories.
But it happens... I got one of my first sign-ups with my second blog post.
Not SEO optimized at all and still someone found it on google and makes now
$650 a day with one hour of work....
So you don't have to try and learn the best strategy, watch all the training videos you can find at least twice
and when you think you're ready that information is outdated and you don't have the experience to adjust.
On a personal note... In the six years I've been teaching martial arts now, I've seen quite a few
keyboard warriors... And I'm not talking about the internet bullies, I'm talking about the people who
seriously think by watching YouTube videos and any instructional they can find for 24/7 over years
I'm not exaggerating
they are unstoppable... Then destiny... or upper world humor... or whatever... calls...
That theoretical martial arts expert walks into my gym and is trying to lecture others in his first
martial arts class...
But luckily I own a practical oriented gym and we like to spar...
Needless to say, that even the guys I've been teaching for only a few weeks are controlling that
guy who thought he had figured it all out before...
What I'm trying to say is this:
You don't need the perfect plan... and for your own sake... Don't make 5 year plans or something like that...
Not even two years... You don't want to have success in two years... You want it as soon as possible...
Make goals... But you have to set your intentions right...
Most people won't do that... They have a very vague goal...
There's great training in the $15k formula for that... Just join Empower Network if you haven't done that already, upgrade to the $15k formula which webinar attendees like to call it the $100k formula, because it's so much more valuable...
And then take massive action!
When NASA shoots a rocket into space it's 99% off-course all the time... You gotta steer...
If you are having one of those jobs where you have to drive to... How much do you have to steer?
A lot, right? Please don't try to go to work without steering, unless you work at home like I do...
You don't need to be afraid of failing... Making mistakes is learning from experience...
There's only one way to fail in Empower Network... Actually there's two...
- Not getting in
- Getting out before you make money
There's no more...
There are virtually no other reasons for you to fail.
I've tried Network Marketing around 10 years before - when I was young ;)
The truth of the matter of fact is, that I honestly hated it...
I didn't want to sell...
But why did I hate it? Because the product sucked bad!
There are still tons of people making money with it,
but I don't want to make money by selling people stuff crap.
With Empower Network though
I'm honestly feeling I'm doing people a favor by letting them join my team.
And why not?
They have the best marketing training available and
I know the technical side a lot better than probably 98% of the affiliates.
So anyway... This got longer than anticipated.
I wish you a very nice weekend.
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