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The Home Business Connection Interview with David Sharpe in December 2012

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First of all, as you know, Dave Wood and I started the company for one reason and one reason only. We wanted to  create the company we always wanted to be a part of. We were sick of owners that bailed out when they broke a fingernail. We were sick of getting paid 'itsy bitsy' little commissions. And we were sick of selling products that people didn't want, and just ended up collecting dust in their garage. But most of all, we wanted to help people make what they're worth.  So we created a system that pays out 100% commissionsAnd we built our team from scratch, without bashing anyone or being negative. We just did it with a vision of creating the richest team in the industry and bringing together the greatest group of leaders the industry has ever seen. And 12  months later, I think we have a great start on our goal.
Joining us, or any one of our leaders is a smart decision. Our team is packed full of six-figure earners, and even six-figure MONTHLY earners, so the the value of  being around that caliber of leaders is priceless. We also do things a bit differently. We don't teach people to cold call, or do home meetings, or any  other 'busy work' that ultimately leaves most people exhausted, frustrated and broke. We teach people how to market online (and offline) using  strategies that get prospects chasing you. We teach people how to tell their story and inspire and attract people to them. And we teach our team  how to build a business and have a life-which means, we let systems automate the selling and telling for us, so we can go and enjoy the money  we make with the people we love.
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I found entrepreneurism the "hard knocks"way. My early years were spent on the streets, where I  learned a lot of life's lessons the hard way. From hardship and struggle, to homelessness and addiction, I had to persevere and overcome some  really difficult situations. I eventually beat the odds, changed my life, and got my life back on track. Then, after working years in construction  barely scraping by, this industry showed up in my life at a time when I needed it most. I had no idea my life was about to change, forever.
When I first got started, it sucked. I was chasing friends and family, cold calling and doing home  and hotel meetings. It was everything my upline told me to do at that time, and I ended up more in debt than when I started.  One night, I stumbled upon a website by accident, entered my email, and watched a video. After watching that video I realized I had been  doing it all wrong-and I immediately signed up and bought on the spot, and started using internet systems to build my business.  Today, I work as many hours on my business each day as I want to and I use systems to automate the selling for me and for my team. And I'm having  a blast, living my dreams, and loving my life. But my favorite thing about it all is the fact we have so many people who have never made  money online before, who are getting results. The stories are endless, and we can't keep up with them all.  The bottom line is: If what you're doing isn't working...then stop it. Put the shovel down and stop digging, and get with someone who can show  you how to dig yourself out of that hole and build an empire on a solid foundation. Anyone can go out there and work 24 hours a  day, and force themselves to succeed. But is that really why you got into this industry in the first place? Or was it because you wanted freedom?  So why not just make money now and enjoy time with your loved ones today-instead of 2-3 years from now. 2-3 years sounds more like a job  to me. Tomorrow is never promised. So we believe in going out there and making the most out of today  (and making the most money today, too!).

7240 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91605 USA
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