My name is Yan, and I work for a company which provides the product promoting service.
I was surfing the website in search of the ones about the smart lock and found your article. I'm so impressed by the interesting contents of your article.
The Reason why I'm writing is to see if there will be a chance you can provide for us to post our articles about the smart lock on your website. The article would be about some tips of choosing the intelligent lock and introduce the fingerprint door lock 157C138 of Molilock, which is one of the Top 10 brands that has specialized in smart door lock for 20 years in China.
We're confident that you can gain the benefits listed below:
1. Catching the sights of the potential readers and enlarging your fans base.
2. With the SEO optimized articles, your website's rankng in Google would be higher.
3.Adding some fresh and high-quality contents to your webpage.
Please let us know if you are interested in this idea, and we'll send some of our articles to you.
If you have any question, feel free to send me a message.
Best Regard,
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Do you want the fresh content you audience would be interested in?
Posted by
education training
on Wednesday, October 17, 2018
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